Welcome to JensArt Studios, and Happy 2022

I recently had a contest to celebrate the intergalactic launch of the JensArt Studios website— thanks to everyone who sent in an entry. The two winners had their ballots picked from a large drum by a pair of blindfolded badgers who, after having swilled too many gin-based fermented shark cocktails, didn’t know their vicious little claws from their tails. I mean these guys were right sozzled, which is how I know the draw was random and fair. The winners will get a custom-built and finished item for the cost of materials based on their own specifications.


Winner #1: Tianna— She asked for an elegant bar stool along the lines of the ones in the image below. Right on, Tianna, I hope your stool will provide a comfortable perch for guests for many years to come.

An elegantly stylish barstool will make your drink taste as though George Clooney himself had mixed it with one hand while pulling off a casino heist with the other.



Winner #2: Danielle asked for an heirloom-worthy bookcase that will find its home in an old farmhouse her family recently purchased. She sent me this photo for consideration as a starting point:

A bookcase fer th’ ages!



I will be in touch with Tianna and Danielle to hammer out the specifications for their respective pieces (measurements, wood species, finish). Thanks to both of you, I look forward to my time in the shop working on them, and more importantly, to the day I hand them over to you.